Saturday, February 22, 2014

5 Tips To Teaching Math Effectively

This is a very helpful article to review before getting my first teaching job. This article informs teachers not only how to teach their students math, but also how to teach their students math effectively. The article informs the reader that the first thing that should be taught to students is to make sure they know how to think first, and always remember to think about your students age. Is this material you are teaching an appropriate level for the students. Is it below their age level or above their level? I will incorporate what this article says in my classroom by making sure I am not giving my students easy material that will bore them. I will give my students work that challenges them, but isn't impossible for them. I will create fun math games for my students and I will relate to them. I will make sure I am giving my class real life problems and show them that what they are learning is necessary. I will refer back to this article periodically so I can make sure I am teaching my students math effectively.

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