Friday, February 21, 2014

My view: Ten myths about gifted students and programs for gifted

This is a great article to follow up on. I will check with myself often. "Am I treating my gifted students like this article?" This article is very interesting due to the fact that I never considered some of these things. Most teachers want to think gifted students are well behaved and are working up to their potential, these are all misconceptions. I will use this in my classroom when working with my gifted students. I will challenge them and I won't forget about them. Some teachers think that since some of their students are gifted, they won't have to teach them. They won't have to work one on one with them like the rest of the class. This is a huge misconception. I will make sure I have differentiation in my classroom. I never knew this, but when gift students are learning material they already know, they begin to get frustrated. I will change this by always having challenging stuff for them to work on. If I am teaching the class the lattice method, I will give them larger numbers to work with.

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